#33 | Nature's Warning: Kristina Marusic on the Unseen Connection Between Toxins and Cancer Rates


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In this episode, I had the privilege of engaging in an enlightening conversation with the award-winning environmental reporter and author, Kristina Marusic. Our discussion delved deep into the heart of her groundbreaking book, "A New War on Cancer: Unlikely Heroes Revolutionizing Prevention."

Driven by her younger sister’s unexplained diagnosis of thyroid cancer, Kristina employed her environmental journalist skills to uncover why one in six modern humans lose their lives to cancer. When her research unveiled the fact that 2/3 of all cancer cases are linked to environmental toxins, she was driven to ask another important question: why does 91-93% of all cancer research focus on treatment, and only 7-9% help uncover the causes of cancer? And how do preventable, environmental toxins fit in to the overall problem?

“Though the course of my reporting, I learned that while it’s not yet possible to determine the exact causes of one person’s cancer, scientists have identified eight “cancer hallmarks”—or specific changes to cells—that need to happen for cancer to develop. Each of these hallmarks happens through complex interactions between genetic and external factors, including exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. “

Drawing upon her extensive research, Kristina passionately conveyed the critical importance of redirecting funding and attention towards proactive prevention strategies. We explored the inspiring stories of six pioneering individuals championing change, as she does shedding light on their innovative contributions reshaping our understanding of cancer prevention.

From redefining public health policies to harnessing the power of advocacy, Kristina's book and our conversation shed light on a new era of combatting cancer. Join us as we uncover the untold stories of these remarkable heroes, narrated through Kristina's expert insights and unwavering dedication to the cause. This episode is a journey into the heart of a vital movement that has the potential to reshape the future of cancer prevention.

Learn More/Buy the Book

In this episode we discuss:

• The critical role of environmental journalists and writers to translate scientific findings into jargon lay people can use.

• The reason why it’s easier to raise funds for cancer treatment as opposed to prevention.

• How her sister’s thyroid cancer diagnosis spurred her curiosity about environmental causes of cancer.

• Her discovery that cancer-causing chemicals are so ubiquitous that we can't shop our way out of this problem by choosing organic or avoiding certain ingredients.

• How everyday items from non-stick pans to scotch-guard to pizza pie paper liners contain “forever chemical” that can harm our health.

• Powerful steps each of us can take to advocate for safer products, food, air, and water.

• How and why the United States is behind many countries when it comes to regulating these chemicals.

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