#12 | Zainab Salbi: From Helping Women Survive War to Collaborating with Women Healing the Earth
Zainab Salbi is a renowned author, activist, and humanitarian who's dedicated her life to empowering women and promoting peace. Her organization, Women for Women, has helped over half a million marginalized women in conflict zones rebuild their lives.

#11 | Teresa Gray - The Hero Behind Mobile Medics International
Teresa Gray is the founder of Mobile Medics International, a lightning fast, agile medical team that responds to natural disasters and refugee crises on every continent. If there are people hurting in remote, seemingly unreachable spots, Teresa finds a way to get her mobile medical teams there in a hurry.

#7 | Nora Kramer: Training Youth & Adults to Make Change Happen
Nora Kramer is the Founding Director of YEA (Youth Empowered Action) Camp, a “summer camp for social change”, serving youth aged 12–17 who want to combat injustices in our world. They provide leadership & activism training to help prepare their campers to tackle societal issues like climate change, racism, gender inequality, poverty, gun violence, animal cruelty, and more.

#3 | Persistence, Grit, and Heart: How Curt Bowen is Changing Lives in Guatemala & Beyond
Curt Bowen is the founder of Semilla Nueva, a non-profit working to combat poverty by reducing the malnutrition that impacts half of Guatemala’s children.